However, the article describes the scenario as "improbable" at best, with the focus on making the Star Wars Miniatures adventures fun for gamers. 1 and often abbreviated SG-1) is a Canadian-American military science fiction adventure television series and part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Stargate franchise.The show, created by Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner, is based on the 1994 science fiction film Stargate by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich.The television series was filmed in and … If Vader himself led the attack, he explained, the Rebels would be convinced that the Empire's concern was legitimate. Griff hoped to reap the full accolades of the opportunity placed before him by crushing the Rebellion himself, not Vader. The Executor leads the Imperial task force into the Vergesso Asteroids. Seeing the resulting explosion from orbit, Vader quickly instructed the Executor's bosun to track the imminent escaping Rebel vessel, but Skywalker escaped the system aboard the Millennium Falcon. [87], Following Vader's briefing of the six bounty hunters on the bridge of the Executor during the search for the Millennium Falcon in the Hoth asteroid field in 3 ABY, a low-ranking Imperial officer escorted Boba Fett from the bridge back to his docked starship. After Shelkonwa, Bentro would be replaced when Jade suggested to Vader that the Dark Lord keep an eye on the devious Kendal Ozzel.[19]. During the Battle of Endor, the Executor led a massive Star Destroyer armada in trapping the Rebel Fleet between itself and the Death Star battlestation. In addition, the RAF regiment was formed in 1941 with responsibility for airfield air defence, eventually with Bofors 40mm as their main armament. [17] Eventually, the Executor's captaincy passed on to Captain Kallic, who assumed command of the flagship to escort Vader back to the Imperial capital of Coruscant following the Dark Lord's duel with Skywalker on Cloud City, while Piett remained with Death Squadron aboard the Star Destroyer Accuser. Incoming targets were acquired and automatically tracked by SCR-584 radar, developed at the MIT Rad Lab. Smaller missiles soon followed, eventually becoming small enough to be mounted on armoured cars and tank chassis. Although the Executor's powerful shields protected the ship from sustaining any significant damage, Griff and his Star Destroyers were instantly obliterated in the collision. The Rebel fighters targeting the battlestation's reactor core succeeded in slipping through the TIEs' defensive perimeter and destroyed the Death Star. The German Army also adapted a revolving cannon that came to be known to Allied fliers as the "flaming onion" from the shells in flight. In Britain and some other armies, the single artillery branch has been responsible for both home and overseas ground-based air defence, although there was divided responsibility with the Royal Navy for air defence of the British Isles in World War I. [87], Two of the Emperor's Royal Guardsmen appeared on the bridge behind Vader, holding Tao before them, as the Emperor commanded his servant to strike the boy down and prove his loyalty. After the Dambusters raid in 1943 an entirely new system was developed that was required to knock down any low-flying aircraft with a single hit. The G Cat was desperately ferrying Tarkin to safety away from Sollaine's forces on Corulag, and when the Executor emerged from hyperspace directly in the midst of the skirmish, the Super Star Destroyer's massive presence proved to be the perfect obstacle for the G Cat to evade the Devastator's tractor beams and escape into hyperspace. Although barely conscious, he was able to tell the team from his bedside that, despite their hostile relationship, Sorn confided in him moments before her death in Engineering that she was looking into the presence of a Rebel spy aboard the ship named Malkor Trel. [37], Skywalker's arrival meant the Rebel Fleet was not far behind, and the Executor took up position with the rest of the Imperial Fleet on the far side of Endor to wait. [142] Gherant had originally been hand-picked to his position aboard the Executor by then-Captain Piett before the Battle of Hoth. However, most air forces choose to augment airbase defence with surface-to-air missile systems as they are such valuable targets and subject to attack by enemy aircraft. The British Wilson-Dalby gun director used a pair of trackers and mechanical tachymetry; the operator entered the fuse length, and deflection angles were read from the instruments. Vader possessed absolute power over his crew. Aboard the Super Star Destroyer, the apprentice believed the time had come to strike against the Emperor, but Vader instead impaled the apprentice with his lightsaber, his plan to move against the Emperor a failure. During the bombing raid, private Radoje Ljutovac fired his cannon at the enemy aircraft and successfully shot one down. [91] Armed with the Rebel Fleet's location and with Sunber embedded among the Alliance High Command, Vader called together a mammoth task force of several dozen Star Destroyers to support the Executor in finally crushing the Rebellion and capturing Skywalker. [78] From aboard the Executor's bridge in the Endor system, Vader remained in regular contact with Seah as she served on the Devastator. Ozzel had failed Vader for the last time, and the Dark Lord executed him for his blunder, at least the second Executor admiral to receive such a punishment. At the same time Henry Howard, an engineer, and businessman became aware of it and contacted RAMD W. R. Furlong Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. [7], Shortly after Vader's arrival, the Executor also played host to the arrival of the Emperor himself at the Death Star. A comparison of the Executor concept drawing and Giel's flagship can be seen here. 4 rangers were killed[81] when their helicopter was shot down by an RPG and SEAL team member Neil C. Roberts fell out his helicopter when it was hit by 2 RPG. Starship engineer Lira Wessex, daughter of famed Galactic Republic engineer Walex Blissex, designed the Imperator-class Star Destroyer, a massive 1,600-meter-long warship with an intimidation factor as great as its firepower,[43] which saw limited use in Republic task forces. With navigation failing, the Executor was sucked into the gravity well of the Death Star and collided with the battlestation, disintegrating on impact. Knowing that Luke Skywalker would eventually be drawn to Endor, the Emperor instructed Vader to position the Imperial Fleet out of sight on Endor's far side, where it would wait in ambush. Some modern submarines, such as the Type 212 submarines of the German Navy, are equipped with surface-to-air missile systems, since helicopters and anti-submarine warfare aircraft are significant threats. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [120] They managed to position the ship within the targeting crosshairs,[94] but with only seconds remaining before the Executor activated its tractor beam, the Rebel ship made the sudden jump into hyperspace and assured freedom, courtesy of quickly performed maintenance by R2-D2 on board, leaving a defeated Vader to stare dejectedly off into space through the bridge viewport. Piett interrogated Han Solo concerning his ship's cargo and, when Solo thought he detected Piett trying to bribe him, he subtly offered to pay Piett off. [149], The threat the Executor posed to the Rebellion continued to manifest itself against the New Republic vicariously through the other Super-class Star Destroyers Kuat Drive Yards produced in succession to the Executor. Ozzel frequently took it upon himself to follow up any substantial leads concerning the Rebels personally, diverting Death Squadron on pointless journeys, much to Vader's annoyance. The decisive Battle of Endor was underway. A redesigned gun 3.7 cm FlaK 36 entered service in 1938, it too had a two-wheel carriage. Shortly following the Cloud City duel, Vader was interrupted while training with one of the battle droids to learn he had received a communication from the Emperor recalling he and the Executor back to Coruscant for domestic Imperial duties. After ordering the Millennium Falcon to standby in preparation for a customs inspection, the Executor dispatched four TIE Fighters and a shuttle holding a squad of Zero-G assault stormtroopers to board the freighter. [82], Droid technicians worked in the droid pool, responsible for performing droid maintenance and programming duties. The maximum running time of the fuse, this set the maximum usable time of flight. [citation needed] Facing the threat of Japanese Kamikaze attacks the British and US developed surface-to-air rockets like British Stooge or the American Lark as counter measures, but none of them were ready at the end of the war. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Military. [36], Despite losing Skywalker, Vader had not lost Shira Brie. [1] It remains a vital activity by ground forces and includes camouflage and concealment to avoid detection by reconnaissance and attacking aircraft. Vader's agents had rescued her body from the Rebel raid and delivered her to a secret medical lab aboard the Executor, where she slowly recuperated from her substantial injuries suffered at Skywalker's hands. the. The USSR also had a separate strategic rocket force in charge of nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Punishing One fell prey to a blast from Echo Base's ion cannon after emerging from hyperspace in the midst of the battle. [158], Vader purposely instilled fear into his flagship's crew members, believing that fear was the best motivating factor. By December 1914 the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) was manning AA guns and searchlights assembled from various sources at some nine ports. While not formally a part of the Executor's admiralty lineage, Admiral Okins commanded the Executor during the Vergesso Asteroid operation of 3.5 ABY in Piett's absence. While the incredible mass of the Executor proved an advantage in terms of its firepower and the power of its defensive shields, it likewise proved a disadvantage in keeping the warship supplied—the Executor could hold far more resources than the Empire normally had available to provide. [18] By the time of the Battle of Hoth, many of these droids in fact had been manufactured on the factory world Mechis III after the planet's takeover by the assassin droid IG-88, as part of his galactic Droid Revolution. The performance of the new guns was limited by their standard fuse No 199, with a 30-second running time, although a new mechanical time fuse giving 43 seconds was nearing readiness. This section of the article assumes a specific path in the roleplaying adventure. [143], Other ranking Executor bridge officers included Commander Merrejk, who served during the Battle of Endor, responsible for notifying Piett that the Super Star Destroyer had reached attack position during the early stages of the engagement. [5], As the premier flagship of the entire Imperial Navy and the personal vessel of the Lord Darth Vader, earning a command position aboard the Executor naturally became the Empire's highest military accolade. Arkanoid. In reality, Vader and the Emperor manipulated the apprentice into bringing together the Emperor's greatest political adversaries in one location where they could be eliminated in one fell swoop. Fixed AA defences, using HAA and LAA, were established by the Army in key overseas places, notably Malta, Suez Canal and Singapore. "Information, Systems and Information Systems – making sense of the field". The firing of one of these devices during an air raid is suspected to have caused the Bethnal Green disaster in 1943. Rather than creating an incredibly long starship model, Cooke instead imaged something that was exceptionally tall, eventually resulting in the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer.[215]. After the Executor pulled the Punishing One into one of its many docking bays, launch bay twelve, a stormtrooper force boarded the ship and incapacitated Dengar, dragging him to an interrogation cell. Firstly, it and the steel cable were a danger to any aircraft that tried to fly among them. Members of the bridge crew gaze fearfully at the passing Vader, whose tactic of motivation through fear proved detrimental during the Hoth campaign. As the capabilities of aircraft and their engines improved it was clear that their role in future war would be even more critical as their range and weapon load grew. If the team complies with the request, the team will then assist Trel in escaping from the Executor and the rest of Death Squadron. The Millennium Falcon evaded the Executor for the moment, but three other Star Destroyers doggedly pursued the freighter toward the fringes of the Hoth system.[55]. The duel rages until R2-D2 slices the chest panel on Vader's armor regulating his internal oxygen system. Measures such as camouflaging important buildings were common in the Second World War. [27], The Executor's admiral's constant whining about Griff soon exhausted Vader, and the Dark Lord executed his ship's commander by choking him to death. The system used a centralised control system including both search and targeting radar, which calculated the aim point for the guns after considering windage and ballistics, and then sent electrical commands to the guns, which used hydraulics to point themselves at high speeds. [36], Simultaneous with Skywalker's Shalyvane expedition, Vader received Imperial Admiral Mils Giel within his private meditation chamber aboard the Executor. [82], At the time of the Executor's first probe launches, a malfunctioning R2-series astromech droid interrupted Vader's musings of Skywalker by bumping into the back of him while the Dark Lord was standing on the bridge. Three days after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron X-wing pilots Wedge Antilles, Wister, and Kirst inadvertently stumbled upon the wreckage while pursuing TIE fighters during subsequent cleanup operations, only to find many of the Super Star Destroyer's turbolasers very much in functioning order. Nevertheless, a pattern had been set: anti-aircraft warfare would employ heavy weapons to attack high-altitude targets and lighter weapons for use when aircraft came to lower altitudes. The artist's work was entitled Executor Executes. Lilit Arranda, who participated in the Sorn murder investigation, served her first military tour of duty aboard the Executor as a medic. As well as the small and large systems, for effective air defence there must be intermediate systems. [168], Imperial trooper guard Dainsom was among the Executor's naval guard contingent during the time of the Hoth campaign. Firing an RPG at steep angles poses a danger to the user, because the backblast from firing reflects off the ground. Long range missiles depend on long-range detection to provide significant lead. At that moment, Griff's three Star Destroyers suddenly emerged from hyperspace right on top of the Executor. 7, The Executor bristled with more than 5,000 weapon emplacements, enough firepower to blast any planetary surface to slag in hours, and a military complement capable of annihilating any ground installation. Examples are the Raytheon Standard Missile 2, Raytheon Standard Missile 6, or the MBDA Aster Missile. In a single instant, Calrissian ordered the Millennium Falcon's crew to open up fire, raking the unarmored interior of the Executor with concussion missiles and the ship's dual quad laser cannons. [34] Later, another captain would serve under Vader during the Executor's pursuit of Skywalker at Krake's Planet in the aftermath of Vader's Shira Brie-infiltration initiative. Air defence evolution covered the areas of sensors and technical fire control, weapons, and command and control. [139] The Executor and its dozens of accompanying Star Destroyers, taking up position close to the Forest Moon,[20] effectively had the Rebel Fleet sandwiched between themselves and the Death Star's shield in an inescapable vise,[37][139] and they immediately launched a swarm of hundreds of TIEs, mostly TIE interceptors, that overwhelmed the Rebel fighters. [7] The probe droid relayed audio and visual sensory data of Echo Base's shield generator[17] and Rebel snowspeeders[58] via HoloNet transceiver to the Executor. During the Tanith Sorn murder investigation, a security officer allowed the investigation team to review the Executor's security recordings. The Emperor approved Vader's suggestion, relishing the idea of such a powerful asset. The Dark Lord telepathically called out to Skywalker aboard the Rebel ship, urging him once more to give in to the dark side's temptations. [2], In accordance with the Executor's standard command tower module found on many KDY-constructed warship classes, the bridge design mirrored that of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The Executor's very presence was enough to frighten an entire star system into subjugation. Model When the Rebels destroyed the Executor at Endor, these officers were irreplaceably lost. [52], The following are examples of stories and video games in which the Executor appears that are not included in this article's canonical history proper. [20] The incorrect engine figure, according to Curtis Saxton, has its roots in the 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, which shows what he believes to be a distorted representation of the Executor in order to fit the eight-kilometer length mark. Same thing occurred in the direct fire role against landing helicopters his shuttle to make for the Star... 69 ] Ozzel served merely as a figurehead as the Rebel defenses a. 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